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Finding our Studio


We are located in the woods near Kane, PA.  When you arrive in Kane, find Rt. 321/Hacker St.  Drive down this street past the ballfields on your right.


You will pass the last cross road which is actually Sedgwick to the left and Kinzua Ave. to the right.  Continue down the hill out of town. 


Approximately 1/2 mile from town, you will see a dirt road that veers to the right.  This is Dwights Road.  Take this road which will take you through the waterworks plant right to the Kane Fish and Game Club on your left. 


Continue to follow this road out into the woods until you are no longer seeing houses or camps.  After about a mile from the Kane Fish and Game Club, you will make a hard turn to the right.  Our driveway is right beyond that and is marked with two stone pillars.  Turn to the right between the pillars and follow our driveway back about 1/2 mile.  Go slow as it is a bumpy, dirt road. 


We are the only house on our driveway, so when you see buildings, you have arrived.  Hemdal Photography is located in the DETACHED garage. The door to enter is on the right side of the building.

© 2015 By Barbara Hemdal  Proudly created with

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