Musings of a Small Town Photographer...My Birthday and the Year Ahead...

Even though the date on my blog is reading July 1st, my clock tells me I still have 45 minutes left in my birthday- June 30, 2015. I've been thinking a lot about where I want to be a year from now in terms of my photography business. I'd really like to see my sports photography expanding into additional markets...perhaps in other towns or perhaps in other sports. I've laid the groundwork for some of this and I'd like to see this come to be. I'd also like to spend some time playing with light in the studio. I have this image in my mind that is back lit from a single source and perhaps slightly lit from the front. I need to find the time to play with this, perfect it, and then offer it to my clients. The final thing I'd like to do this year is figure out a way to teach full time, continue to grow my business, spend time with my kids and Tom and maintain my sanity. I only need to do both jobs for two more years, but I can't work 18-19 hours/7 days a week all year long again.
So, as I look forward on my birthday to another year, it's nice to have goals. It will be good to check back in occasionally to see my progress before June 30th rolls around again. Happy birthday to me!!! Here's to a great year!